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Home > Learn > Ovulation Tests > >Natalist Ovulation Test Kit Instructions

Natalist Ovulation Test Kit Instructions

Apr 21, 21 8 min

Questions about your Ovulation Test Kit and how to use everything included with it? We’ve got you covered!

Originally published 04/21/2021. Updated for accuracy and relevancy on 10/26/2023.

About the Natalist Ovulation Test Kit

The Natalist Ovulation Test Strips detect Luteinizing Hormone (LH) in your urine, which your brain makes to tell your ovaries it’s time to release an egg. LH levels surge about 24-48 hours before ovulation (see graph below)—conveniently when you’re most likely to get pregnant. If the test line is as dark as the control line, and if you’re trying to get pregnant, now is the time to get busy! Aim to have sex at least once in the next 48 hours leading up to ovulation. Knowing when you ovulate will help you plan ahead to maximize your chances of conception.

Some women have irregular cycles or ovulate on different days of their cycle each month. Everyone is different—these ovulation test strips will help you get to know your own body’s variations. It is helpful (and highly recommended) to keep and reference your test strips in sequential order using the included Cycle Tracker. This will help you track when you typically experience your LH surge each cycle and help predict future cycles and fertile windows.

Timing of ovulation

When to Test for Ovulation

You can test any time of the day, but make sure not to test after drinking a lot of fluid because it can dilute your urine. This is why many women prefer to test first thing in the morning when the urine is more concentrated.

To figure out what day(s) to test, you’ll need to figure out how long your menstrual cycle is. To do this, count the day your period starts (the first day of full menstrual flow) as Day 1, and continue counting until the day before your next period starts. The total number of days is your cycle length. For most women, this is around 28 days. If your cycle length varies each month by more than three days, choose the shortest cycle you’ve had in the last six months. Then, use the table to figure out which day of your cycle to start testing. 

Ovulation menstrual cycle test
We've made the process even simpler for you with our free ovulation calculator- test it out here! 

Taking an Ovulation Test

  1. Pee into the cup, and place cup on a flat surface.Pee into the cup, and place cup on a flat surface.
  2. Unwrap one test, and hold by the purple handle. Dip the test into the cup of urine for 20 seconds. Do not get urine above the max line!

    Unwrap one test, and hold by the purple handle. Dip the test into the cup of urine for 20 seconds. Do not get urine above the max line!
  3. Place the test on a flat surface with the results side facing up. The test may start out blurry; wait five minutes for results.

    Place the test on a flat surface with the results side facing up. The test may start out blurry; wait five minutes for results.
  4. Test daily, and keep your used ovulation tests in the Cycle Tracker to monitor your LH progression.

    Test daily, and keep your used ovulation tests in the Cycle Tracker to monitor your LH progression.

Tips From Actual Users

  • “I like to write my cycle day on the test itself.” -H.M.
  • “I keep a few test strips and the cup on my counter to use first thing in the morning.” -C.S.
  • “I used the test strips when I removed my IUD to understand my cycle and LH patterns.” -S.V.
  • “I test once a day until my line starts getting darker, then I test twice a day until I see my peak.” -A.W.
  • “I test as soon as I wake up and then brush my teeth while I wait for the results to appear.” -K.J.

    Reading Ovulation Test Results

    Important: To determine your result, you must compare the color intensity of the test line to the control line.

    The test can display two lines:

    1. The control line to make sure the test worked
    2. The test line to capture your current LH level
    As your cycle progresses and you test daily (or twice daily), the darkness of the test line will increase; this indicates that your LH levels are increasing, and you are approaching your LH surge. When it is as dark or darker than the control line, you are experiencing your LH surge, and you will likely ovulate within 24-48 hours. Use the included cycle tracker to monitor LH progression.
    LH Surge test result

    If the test line is as dark or darker than the control line, this is an LH surge. You can test again five to 12 hours after first seeing a surge to better understand the length of your fertile window for reference during future cycles.

    low LH test result

    If only the control line shows up or a very faint test line is detected, the LH level is low, and you are not surging. Test again tomorrow to see if the line darkens.

    Ovulation Test Strip Q&A

    When Will My Results Show Up, and How Long will They Last?

    While your test is hard at work, the test results may appear blurry. Wait five minutes to read your results.

    Why Didn’t My Control Line Show Up?

    It’s likely that urine got above the max line on the test. Try again with a new test strip, and be careful not to dip past the max line!

    Why Are My Results Streaky?

    Test results may appear streaky if the test was not dipped for long enough. Make sure to dip the test for the full 20 seconds.

    How Do I Read My Results?

    When the test line is as dark as the control line, you are experiencing your LH surge, and it is the optimal time to start having intercourse if trying to get pregnant. It is helpful (and highly recommended) to keep and reference your test strips in sequential order for each cycle. This will not only help you track when you typically experience the LH surge each cycle, but will also help predict future cycles and fertile windows.

    Shop the Ovulation Test Kit

    Why is One Line Darker Than the Other?

    That’s normal—it’s how these tests work. If the test line is darker than the control line, your LH surge is detected, and you’ll likely ovulate within 24 to 48 hours. If the test line is lighter than the control line, your LH surge is not yet detected, so you should continue to test daily until the test line is darker than the control line.

    What Can Affect My Results?

    • Certain conditions including a recent or current pregnancy (including a chemical pregnancy), menopause, or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).
    • Certain medicines such as birth control pills and fertility drugs. Ask your doctor for more information about your situation.
    • Following instructions incorrectly.
    • Waiting too long to read your results. Results read after 20 minutes may not be accurate.
    • Note: If you’re taking medication like clomiphene citrate (e.g. Clomid*) or letrozole, ask your doctor about how and when to use these tests.

    Will the Amount of Liquid I Drink Affect the Results?

    Yes, drinking too much liquid prior to taking a test may dilute your urine and lead to a false negative result (meaning you could be ovulating, but the test will show you’re not). Remember to minimize your fluid intake about two hours before testing.

    How Accurate Is The Test?

    Natalist Ovulation Test Strips are over 99% accurate in detecting LH based on a multi-center clinical evaluation of over 450 urine samples. The test can detect LH in urine at 20 mlU/ml.

    My Cycle Is Irregular. How Do I Know When to Start Testing? 

    If your cycle length is different month to month by more than three days, choose the shortest cycle you’ve had in the last six months to figure out when to start testing. Another option is to start testing the day after the last day of your period in order to guarantee that you do not miss your LH surge.

    When Should I Try to Conceive?

    Since sperm can live for up to five days after sex, it’s the five days leading up to and the day of ovulation (six days total) that is considered your “fertile window.” Aim for sex every day or every other day during your fertile window. As you use these tests month to month (and save your results in the Cycle Tracker) and get to know your regular LH surge timing, you will be able to plan ahead to maximize your chances of conception during this time.

    I Recently Stopped Using Hormonal Birth Control- When Should I Test?

    For some women, it may take a few months to get back to pre-birth control cycles. If you’re interested in understanding your cycle during this time, tracking your fertile window with ovulation tests is a great way to help predict ovulation and time sex. Learn more about getting pregnant after birth control. 

    Can I Use Ovulation Tests as Contraceptive?

    Sperm can survive for several days, so you can still get pregnant if you had sex before detecting your LH surge or after you think your fertile window may have ended. There is a method of contraception known as natural family planning or fertility awareness that relies on knowing your fertile window. FAM is not as effective as other methods of birth control but may be an option for you if you’re not interested in other contraception methods. Speak to your healthcare provider about FAM or read a guide on natural family planning here. 

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