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Home > Learn > FYI > >How Does a Light Period Affect Fertility? Q&A with Dr. Gleaton

How Does a Light Period Affect Fertility? Q&A with Dr. Gleaton

Jan 31, 21 2 min

Every month, Dr. Gleaton answers all your questions about fertility, pregnancy, birth and more. Follow us on Instagram to ask your questions!

By OBGYN Dr. Gleaton

Is it normal to have a light period? How does a light period affect fertility?

Period timing, amount, and frequency can vary throughout the course of a person’s reproductive life cycle. If this cycle pattern represents a change from your typical cycles, discuss this with your ob/gyn provider. They may recommend testing your egg quality and other hormonal levels.

Often patients who are taking birth control for long periods of time, or very low doses of birth control, will have light cycles.

I’m almost 34, TTC since December and my period just suddenly stopped. What to do? 

Many factors can contribute to an absent cycle, including pregnancy so ensure you’ve taken more than one pregnancy test.  If your cycle has stopped for greater than two months, schedule an appointment with your provider. Evaluation may include lab testing and pelvic ultrasound assessment to help determine a potential cause. 

How concerning is an anovulatory cycle? 

Ovulation typically happens once per cycle. It’s also possible to skip ovulation completely—this is called an anovulatory cycle, which is when an egg fails to be released. Anovulatory cycles can also happen as a result of a few different conditions, including PCOS or weight disorders. Ovulating too infrequently may be a sign of fertility issues. In fact, one study found that ovulatory disorders account for at least 21% of infertility cases. 

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For women that have irregular or lack of a cycle & TTC, what is the best way to track ovulation? 

Women with irregular cycles rely on the same tracking measures as women with normal cycles including menstrual calendars, basal body temperatures, ovulation predictor tests, and cervical mucus evaluation. And while there is no agreed upon best option for ovulation tracking, patients  with abnormal cycles tend to benefit from objective methods such ovulation predictor tests. If cycles are chronically irregular, check with your OBGYN to see if there are  medical options to promote cycle regulation.

Can you get pregnant on your current cycle if you skipped a period? AKA 40+ days since last period.  

Yes pregnancy technically may occur at any point during the menstrual cycle once ovulation occurs. If you skip one monthly cycle, you may very well ovulate and conceive during the next month.

I have a hormonal IUD, is it normal to have heavy cramps on my period?  

Yes. Menstrual cramps also known as dysmenorrhea can be seen with or without an IUD.

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