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What Does a Positive Pregnancy Test Strip Look Like?

Aug 03, 23 3 min

Originally published 05/05/2022. Updated for accuracy and relevancy on 08/03/2023.

So you’ve just taken a pregnancy test and are wondering how to decipher the test results? While it is always important to reference the pregnancy test instructions, sometimes it can be helpful to see examples of positive pregnancy test results. Read on for more information.

How Do Pregnancy Tests Work?

Natalist Pregnancy Test Strips detect human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG), one of the first signs of pregnancy, in urine and are over 99% accurate* when used correctly. In fact, clinical evaluations have shown that the test is more than 99% accurate from the day of your expected period. 

What Day To Take a Pregnancy Test

The Natalist Pregnancy Test Strip is designed to detect hCG as early as six days before the day of the missed period. To work out when your period is expected, count the number of days between your last few periods. Begin counting on the first day of your period to the day before your next period starts. Do this for a few cycles: add up the total number of days and divide it by the number of cycles to determine your average number of menstrual cycle days. Use that average to inform the day of your expected period.


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What Time of Day to Take a Pregnancy Test

It’s best to test first thing in the morning when your urine is most concentrated. If you’re pregnant, there will be more hCG for the test to detect. This is especially important if you’re taking the test before your expected period. If you take it later in the day, make sure you don’t drink a lot of liquid in the hours before testing.

How to Read Pregnancy Test Results

The test can show two lines:

  1. The control line (C) to make sure the test worked.
  2. The test line (T) that shows a positive result.

Positive pregnancy test strip result

If two lines show up, even if the test line (T) is very faint, that’s a positive result.

Negative pregnancy test strip result

If only the control line (C) shows up, the test is negative. That means there is not enough hCG present in the urine for a positive result. Either you’re not pregnant or it’s too early to test. Natalist Pregnancy Test Strips include 15 tests per box so you can easily and affordably test multiple times for peace of mind.

What Does a Positive Pregnancy Test Look Like? 

Test results will vary depending on the amount of hCG present in the urine. Remember any test line at all, no matter how faint, is a positive test result. If you’re unsure if the test is reading positive or invalid, visit our comprehensive guide to reading an invalid pregnancy test.

Here are examples of positive test results:

Positive pregnancy test result


Positive pregnancy test result


Positive pregnancy test result


Positive pregnancy test result

 Key Takeaways

  • Natalist Pregnancy Test Strips detect human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG), one of the first signs of pregnancy.
  • The Natalist Pregnancy Test Strip is designed to detect hCG as early as six days before the day of the missed period. 
  • If two lines show up, even if the test line is very faint, that’s a positive result.

*When used up to three days before your expected period. Early on in pregnancy, you may not be producing enough hCG for the test to detect. hCG hormone levels soar in early pregnancy, doubling about every two days. The more hCG your body makes, the more likely you are to get a positive result.


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