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What Does a Positive Ovulation Test Strip Look Like?

Apr 21, 21 3 min

In this guide, we show you actual ovulation test strip results from real women who have used that Natalist Ovulation Test Kit to track their fertile window.

By Halle Tecco, MBA, MPH

The Natalist Ovulation Test Kit is easy to use and can help you accurately know when you’re most likely to conceive. It includes 30 ovulation test strips, a urine cup, and a patent-pending cycle tracker—everything you need to increase your chances of getting pregnant by knowing the best time to have sex based on peak fertility.

In our own experience trying to get pregnant, we know it’s always helpful to see what real ovulation test results could look like. In this guide, we’ll show you actual results from real women who have used the Natalist Ovulation Test Kit to track ovulation.

For more on how to read your results and interpret the color intensity of the test line and control line, check out the Natalist Ovulation Test Kit instructions

And if you’re using our midstream ovulation tests, check out real results here.

Some things to know about comparing your ovulation test strip results:

  • Everyone has their own unique urinary LH level pattern. Ovulation usually happens mid-cycle, so if your cycle lasts around 28 days, you’ll likely ovulate on Day 14. Though a 28 day cycle is the most common scenario, you may have a different pattern that you want to catch.
  • Your LH surge will start around 24-48 hours before ovulation, and the length of your LH surge can vary. 
  • Your negative test results may look different from these examples. Baseline LH levels generally range from 1.9 - 14.6 IU/L (a positive result will appear when LH levels reach 25 IU/L).

Example results

1. Here are test results form a 40-year old woman with an irregular period who began her LH surge on Cycle Day 15, which lasted for over 24 hours.

day 10 17 ovulation test results

3. These test results are from a 36-year old woman who does not have a normal 28-day cycle. She began testing on day 11 and saw her strongest surge on day 14.

ovulation test results from Natalist

3. These test results are from a 35-year old woman with an irregular cycle who tested morning and evening beginning on day six. She saw her LH begin to surge on day nine, however, it would be recommended that she continue to test through day 10 and 11 to see her LH strongest surge.

ovulation test strip results

4. Here are results from a customer who just got her IUD taken out and is tracking ovulation for the first time. In this time period, she did not get a positive result, therefore she did not ovulate yet this cycle.

ovulation test results for 25 days

Things to keep in mind

A positive result is a sign that your body is trying to ovulate, but it doesn’t guarantee that an egg was released. It’s rare, but possible for LH to surge without actual ovulation. Combining ovulation test results with other tracking methods like basal body temperature monitoring and cervical mucus tracking can help confirm ovulation. 

As you can see, menstrual cycles vary from person to person—and also from month to month. That’s why we find it helpful to keep and reference your test strips in sequential order using the cycle tracker included in our Ovulation Test Kit. Doing so will help you track when you typically experience your LH surge each cycle and help predict future cycles and fertile windows. 

Ovulation test strips are a useful tool to inform and educate you on your journey to parenthood; they help you get to know your body and its variations, so that you can identify the time when you're most likely to conceive. To read more about finding your fertile window and tracking ovulation, check out our other articles related to getting pregnant and ovulation tests.


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