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Home > Learn > FYI > >Helpful Resources for COVID-19

Helpful Resources for COVID-19

Mar 25, 20 3 min

By Halle Tecco, MBA, MPH

As a mother, CEO, and someone living with a chronic disease, I understand the myriad emotions Coronavirus is causing with social distancing, school closings, and preparing for the unknown. To get through this emotionally, I’ve been following Mr. Rogers’ advice to “look for the helpers.” From the frontline medical workers to the children serenading their isolated elderly neighbor, the helpers are out in abundance!

I’ve also been gathering tips and tricks to help manage life while we collectively try to "flatten the curve" and want to share in case they may be helpful to you, too.

COVID-19 Tips and Tricks

Keeping Busy

Natalist call to action featuring pregnancy self care products


Relationship Activities

  • Been planning to grow your family? Parent Plans has guided thought starters, to-dos, and activities to complete together with your partner (20% off this month)
  • Go through the New York Time’s relationship exercise, The 36 Questions That Lead to Love
  • USA Today put together 100 things to do while trapped inside, many of which make for an ideal at-home date night
  • Pick out a new show on Netflix, Hulu, or another streaming service to watch together during your extra time indoors

Occupying Kids

If You're Not Feeling Great...

  • The Coronavirus Resource Center by Harvard Health answers nearly every question you may have
  • If you're experiencing anxiety, stress, or isolation because of the #COVID19 pandemic, reach out to the Crisis Text Line—free, confidential, and available 24/7. Text SHARE to 741741

While a lot is unknown about coronavirus and pregnancy, we do know it is important to manage anxiety as much as possible (I know, I know, easier said than done).

As always, we’re here for you if you need us. Stay safe and healthy! 

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